CALCIUM - a building block of bones and teeth.

Calcium - a building blocks of bones and teeth. Calcium is one of the important mineral present in the body. Nearly, 99% of the total body calcium is found in bones and teeth. Being the hardest mineral , its deposition gives shapes and structure to our body and jaws respectively. In children, calcium contributes to the development of bones and teeth. After a person stops growing, calcium continues to help maintain the bones and slow down bone density loss, which is a natural part of the aging process. Other functions of Calcium include, It helps to regulate muscles and heart contractions. It plays a major role in clotting of blood. It is also a co-factor of many enzyme especially lipase and proteolytic enzymes. It helps to carry messages from brain to other parts of your body. It helps in the absorption of Vitamin B12 in the intestine. It helps to increase the permeability of cell walls. 💪Sources :- In animal sources, milk and milk products like cheese, curd,...