
CALCIUM - a building block of bones and teeth.

Calcium - a building blocks of bones and teeth.   Calcium is one of the important mineral present in the body. Nearly, 99% of the total body calcium is found in bones and teeth. Being the hardest mineral , its deposition gives shapes and structure to our body and jaws respectively. In children, calcium contributes to the development of bones and teeth. After a person stops growing, calcium continues to help maintain the bones and slow down bone density loss, which is a natural part of the aging process.   Other functions of Calcium include, It helps to regulate muscles and heart contractions. It plays a major role in clotting of blood. It is also a co-factor of many enzyme especially lipase and proteolytic enzymes. It helps to carry messages from brain to other parts of your body. It helps in the absorption of Vitamin B12  in the intestine. It helps to increase the permeability of cell walls. 💪Sources :-   In animal sources, milk and milk products like cheese, curd, butter, paneer ,et

IRON - A need for our blood.

     IRON  -   A need for our blood RBC in the Blood. Iron is an essential micro-nutrient required by the body. It is the main component of Red Blood Cells (RBC) present in our blood and Myoglobin in muscles. Though required in very small quantities, its existence in blood performs a vital function. 🍎 Here it's function goes, Oxygen is basic need of all living things for their survival. When  oxygen goes into the body it needs to be transported to each an every cells of the body. This functions is done by hemoglobin present in the blood and myoglobin in the muscles. Both haemoglobin and myoglobin needs IRON for its formation.        Function of iron in RBC Haemoglobin helps RBC to transport oxygen to all cells of the body. A drop in the availability of iron in the body will directly affect oxygen - carrying capacity of the blood to all cells and further will affect the body cell functioning. Therefore, adequate intake of iron is very essential for the body. Without iron, RBC beco

Protective Micro-nutrient - Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid (Part 3)

Protective Micro-nutrients -Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid (Part 3)            Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is  also a type of Water Soluble Vitamins along with all B- complex vitamins. It gets destroys on exposure to heat and light. During cooking much of it is destroyed. Iron and copper acts as catalyst and cooking in these vessels increases the loss of Vitamin C. (Note:- My earlier blog was based on Protective micro- nutrients - B-complex vitamins and my current blog will highlight the details of Vitamin C.)      🍅Functions  :- Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidants. This helps in boosting the digestion process. It helps in the absorption of iron, formation of haemoglobin and development of RBC (Red Blood Cells). It is also needed to form structural protein collagen that helps in bone and teeth formation and healing of wounds. It helps to boost the immunity.This is the reason why intake of vitamin C is recommended as one of a preventive measure against pandemic Corona disease It is

Protective Micro-nutrients - Water Soluble B- complex Vitamins (Part 2)

Protective Micronutrients - Water Soluble B -Complex Vitamins (Part 2 ) Vitamins are very important micro-nutrients present in our diet. It protects our body from various deficiency disorders. It is classified into two -  Fat soluble vitamins (A , D, E and K) Water soluble vitamins (B- complex vitamins and Vitamin C ) (Note :-My earlier blog was based on Fat Soluble Vitamin and this blog will highlight details of Water Soluble  B - complex Vitamins.) Water Soluble Vitamins 🍓Characteristics :- This vitamins are soluble in water. Thus, water is essential for its absorption. It cannot be stored in large amount by the body.  Excess amount provided in the diet are excreated through urine. . Everyday supply of these vitamins is essential in the diet . All the water soluble vitamin absorbs best on an empty stomach. That means taking them first thing in the morning, 30 min prior to eating or two hours after a meal is recommended. 🍇Types of Water soluble vitamins  : B-complex vitamins Vitam

Protective Micro-nutrient - Fat Soluble Vitamins ( Part 1)

Protective Micro-nutrient - Fat Soluble Vitamins (Part 1 ) Food contain two type of nutrients : Macro-nutrients and Micro-nutrients. My earlier blog was based on three important Macro-nutrients i.e. Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins. Apart from this, there are nutrients that are equally essential for the body but are required in very small amount. These are called Micro-nutrients -  Vitamins and Minerals .  Vita means 'Important' and mins means 'required in minimum amount'. Vitamins protect our body from various deficiency disorders. Hence, they are called Protective foods . Classification Vitamins are divided into two main groups- Fats soluble vitamins ( Vitamin A, D, E and K) Water soluble vitamins (B - complex vitamins and Vitamin C) [Note :- My this blog will highlight detail study of Fat soluble vitamins present in our diet]  Fats soluble vitamins :- Vitamins A, D , E and K are Fat soluble vitamins. Characteristics :- They are soluble in fats. Thus fats is needed f

Body Building Macronutrient - Proteins.

Body building Macronutrient - Proteins Our body is made up of cells, tissues, muscles, bones, skin and blood. The basic and important components required for its formation and function is Proteins . Our body also used proteins to make enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals.That is why, proteins are said as Building Blocks of the Body . 🌰Compositions: - Proteins are large molecules composed of carbon, hydogen,oxygen and nitrogen. It also contain sulphur and phosphorus group.Proteins are made up of small units or building blocks known as amino acids.There are 23 amino acids in all and eight of them are called essential amino acids as they cannot be synthesized in the body in the required amount while rest of them (i.e. non-essential amino acids) can be synthesized in the body. Examples :- 🍅 Sources :- 🍆 Plant sources Legumes :- Black gram, Bengal gram, Green gram, Lentil and Soyabean. Pulses :-Black gram dal, Red gram dal, Bengal gram dal,Green gram dal and Lentils. Nuts and Oils

Energy rich Macronutrients. - Fats

Energy giving Macronutrient - Fats FATTY FOOD-STUFFS Fats / lipids is an energy giving macronutrient required by the body along with carbohydrates and proteins. It is said as energy - rich as fats on breakdown gives more energy compared to carbohydrates and proteins. It is a reserved store of energy for the body. Fats / lipids  are complex organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Food fats are made up of glycerol and fatty acids. It is soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in water. 🍎 Classification of fats :- 🍇 Few  important terminologies related to fats and their sources: -      Saturated fats are the fats which are solid at room temperature .  E.g. Ghee, Butter, Cheese, Lard, etc. Unsaturated fats  are the fats which are liquids at room temperature. E.g.Vegetable oil, Olive oil, Nuts and Oilseeds. PUFA stands for Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids. E.g. Sunflower oil, Safflower oil, Corn oils, Fatty Fish oils, Walnuts, Flaxseeds, etc.    MUFA stands for Mono Un

# Energy giving Macronutrient - Carbohydrates

Energy giving Macronutrient - Carbohydrates Energy is defined as capacity to do work. Our body needs energy to carry out all the life processes like respiration, blood circulation, digestion, excretion, etc. It also includes  voluntary actions like running, talking and  involuntary actions like blinking of eyes etc. This energy is provided by energy rich macronutrients  - Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats  present in our foo d. Macro - means large and nutrients - means food. The above three nutrients are required in large quantities and are completely broken down in the body to give us lot of energy. My this article will highlight Carbohydrates and its importance , as a nutrient in our body. Carbohydrates are chemical compounds (known as saccharides) containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It is the basic source of energy in the body. Classification of carbohydrates : Examples of each carbohydrates : Glucose - Fruits  Fructose  - Honey              Galactose - Digested milk     Mal

#Power of Nutrition - Way to a healthy lifestyle.

Power of Nutrition - Way to a healthy lifestyle. Busy lifestyle is a part of every human beings. We all have to race like a machine to keep up the pace of life and achieve all our goals. But the fact  is that even a machine needs timely fuel and maintenance. Similarly, is our body  too. The actual fuel of human being are : Proper nutrition - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Healthy habits  - eating well, good sleep, stress management, yoga, exercise etc. Benefits of proper nutrition  :    It helps to fulfill daily nutritional requirement of the body. (Carbohydrates, proteins , fats, vitamins and minerals) Energy obtained from  it helps in smooth functioning of the body and make us active whole day. It protects us from any nutritional deficiency like iron (causes anaemia) and calcium (causes rickets, osteoporosis) etc. It helps in overall mental and physical growth of the body. It improves your immunity system which helps to fight off illness and helps in speedy re