Protective Micro-nutrients - Water Soluble B- complex Vitamins (Part 2)

Protective Micronutrients - Water Soluble B -Complex Vitamins

(Part 2 )

Vitamins are very important micro-nutrients present in our diet. It protects our body from various deficiency disorders. It is classified into two - 
  • Fat soluble vitamins (A , D, E and K)
  • Water soluble vitamins (B- complex vitamins and Vitamin C)
(Note :-My earlier blog was based on Fat Soluble Vitamin and this blog will highlight details of Water Soluble  B - complex Vitamins.)

Water Soluble Vitamins

🍓Characteristics :-
  • This vitamins are soluble in water. Thus, water is essential for its absorption.
  • It cannot be stored in large amount by the body. Excess amount provided in the diet are excreated through urine.
  • .Everyday supply of these vitamins is essential in the diet.
  • All the water soluble vitamin absorbs best on an empty stomach. That means taking them first thing in the morning, 30 min prior to eating or two hours after a meal is recommended.

🍇Types of Water soluble vitamins :
  1. B-complex vitamins
  2. Vitamin C or Ascorbic acids.
Different types of water soluble vitamins

B-Complex vitamins

🍑Functions of B-complex vitamins :-

  • Functions of B- complex vitamins

🍎Sources of B-complex Vitamins :-
A) Plant Sources :-
  • Whole grain cereals, wheat germ, rice polishing ,etc.
  • Legumes and Pulses
  • Nuts and oil seeds
  • Fruits and Green leafy vegetables 
B) Animal Sources :-
  • Fish and Organ meat like liver, brain, etc .
  • Milk and milk products including skimmed milk powder.
🌰Deficiency symptoms :-
  • Weakness, burning at the corner of mouth  and eyes.
  • Loss of appetite, redness at the surface of tongue.
  • Dermatitis, diarrhoea mental disturbance 
  • Numbness of toes and ankles, etc.
  • Beri- beri , Pellagra ,etc are the deficiency syndrome associated with B-complex vitamins.
Some Important B- complex Vitamins 

A) Vitamin B9 or folic acid or folate :-
  1. It helps tissue growth and cell work.
  2. It works with Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C to help in body breakdown and use and create proteins.
  3. It helps to form RBC and  thus prevent anaemia.
  4. Folate intake increases during pregnancy because- It helps in formation of neural tube. It also helps to prevent major birth defects of baby's brain (anencephaly) and spine (spina bifida).
🌽Folic acid deficiency may cause -
Poor growth, Swollen tongue, Gray hair, Mouth ulcers, Peptic ulcer, Diarrhoea.

🍅Sources of Folic acid :-
  • Leafy vegetables such as Spinach, Brocolli and Lettuce.
  • Vegetables like Lady finger, Asparagus and Tomatoes.
  • Fruits like Bananas, Melons, Lemon and Oranges
  • Meat like Beef, Liver and Kidney
  • Beans, Yeast, Mushrooms.

B)Vitamin B12 or Cyanocobalabin :-
  1. It helps to keep the blood and nerves cell healthy.
  2. It helps to make DNA, the genetic material in all cells.
  3. It helps to prevent a type of anaemia called megaloblastic anaemia that makes people tired and weak.
🍏Vitamin B12  deficiency may cause:-
  • Tiredness, weakness, constipation, loss of apetite, weightloss, megaloblastic anaemia.
  •  Nerve problems such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet can occur. 
  • Problem with balance, depression, confusion, dementia, poor memory and soreness of mouth or tongue.
  •  It can also damage nervous system.


Plant sources :- Lack vitamin B12.

Animal sources :- fish, meat,poultry, eggs, milk and other dairy product, beef, liver.

Some products are also fortified with vitamin B12 like some morning breakfast,etc. Dry yeast is also a good source.

🍠Points to be noted:-
  1. B-complex vitamins when taken in excess gets eliminated from our body through urine. Hence, it has to be consumed on regular basis.
  2. Heating destroys this vitamins. Hence, foods should not be overcooked to gets the maximum benefits of it.
  3. Include atleast 1 servings of fresh salads of colourful veggies or fruits or a combination of both in your diet.
  4. Atleast 1-2 servings of fresh juicy fruits should be included in your diet.
  5. Sprouted pulses and fermented food can provide a lot of  Vitamins.
Concluding myself :-
B complex vitamins though required in minimum quantities in our body, it performs many vital role to regulate our internal body mechanisms. Its deficiency may disturb our overall mental and physical wellbeing . Its requirement should be daily fulfiled by a balanced diet.

  • - By Nikita Kansara.


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