# Energy giving Macronutrient - Carbohydrates

Energy giving Macronutrient - Carbohydrates

Energy is defined as capacity to do work. Our body needs energy to carry out all the life processes like respiration, blood circulation, digestion, excretion, etc. It also includes voluntary actions like running, talking and involuntary actions like blinking of eyes etc. This energy is provided by energy rich macronutrients - Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats present in our food.

Macro - means large and nutrients - means food. The above three nutrients are required in large quantities and are completely broken down in the body to give us lot of energy.

My this article will highlight Carbohydrates and its importance, as a nutrient in our body.

Carbohydrates are chemical compounds (known as saccharides) containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It is the basic source of energy in the body.

Classification of carbohydrates :

Examples of each carbohydrates :

Glucose - Fruits 
Fructose - Honey             
Galactose - Digested milk    

Maltose - Barley  
Lactose - Milk
Sucrose - Sugarcane

Starches - Pasta
Fibers - Whole cereals
Glycogen - Liver and muscles cells.

Sources of carbohydrates:-

A] Plant sources : Carbohydrates are mainly present in plants in the form of sugar, starch and fibre.
  • Cereals & Millets : Rice, Wheat, Corn, Bajra, Jowar, Ragi, Sago, etc.
  • Legumes & Dals : Bengal gram, Green gram, Red gram, Black gram, Lentils, etc.
  • Vegetables : Roots and tubers, seeds such as Beans and Peas.
  • Fruits : Fresh fruits such as Bananas, Sapota, Papaya, Pear, Guava, etc.
  • Sugar : Table sugar, Jaggery and Honey.
B] Animal sources : There are no important animal sources of carbohydrate except milk which supplies milk sugar lactose.

Carbohydrates provided by the above sources are categorised into two - 
Good carbs (e.g. Idli, Veg upma, etc ) and Bad carbs (e.g. cakes, cookies, table sugar)

 Quality of Good Carbs : -
  • Low or moderate in calories.
  • High in nutrients.
  • Devoid of refined sugars and refined grains.
  • High in naturally occuring fibre.
  • Low in sodium.
  • Low in saturated fat.
  • Very low or devoid of cholesterol and trans fat.
Functions of Carbohydrates  : - 
A] Main source of Energy :-
  • Carbohydrates is the cheapest sources of energy.
  • Each gram of digestible carbohydrates supplies 4 K.cal of energy.
  • In Indian diet, about 65 - 80% of energy is supplied by carbohydrates.
B] Spare Protein :- If dietary carbohydrates is adequately supplied, Protein (a costlier  source of energy than carbohydrates ) is spared for its chief function of body building.
C] Utilisation of Fats :- Carbohydrates when present in adequate amounts in the diet,  helps in proper utilisation of fats in the body.
D] Functioning of Central Nervous System :- Carbohydrates on breakdown in the body supplies glucose which is the main requirement for proper functioning of Central Nervous  System.
E] Bulk of the diet (Dietary fibre) :- Some complex carbohydrates and indigestible  polysaccarides such as cellulose, pectin, etc. add bulk to the diet and thus helps in normal bowel movement preventing constipation.

F] In addition, carbohydrates encourages the growth of desirable intestinal bacteria.

Points to be noted : -
  1. Excess of carbohydrates is stored in our body in the form of glucose or glycogen. If this storage went in excess, it leads naturally to overweight, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, liver disorder,etc.
  2. Deficiency of carbohydrates rarely occurs. It results in poor people where adequate diet is lacking everyday. Symptoms seen here are - underweight, tiredness, poor work efficiency, etc. In severe cases, marasmus in children is seen.
  3. Food rich in carbohydrates (Limit them or avoid) :-
  •  Fructose and table sugar.
  • Candies, gummies and powder drinks.
  • Dried sugar and fruits like raisins, dried plums,etc.
  • Potato chips, potato wedges, french fries,etc.
  • Cakes, pizza, pastries, bread, cookies,etc.
  • Sweet spread , jams, jellies,etc.
  • Salad dressing, sweet pickles and sauses.
Concluding myself,
  • It is very important to manage and follow right diet.
  • Be choosy in eating food which provides simple carbohydrates.
  • Portion size and no. of feeding should be controlled as per person body requirement and lifestyle.
  • Regular exercise is must to keep our body fit and strong.


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